On-Campus Housing Options

Living-Learning Communities

If you’re a first-year student hoping to feel at home as quickly as possible, you may want to look into a room in a living-learning community (LLC), 根据大学建立的不同小组,哪些学生一起住在宿舍里.

所有住在有限责任公司的学生仍然需要填写住房申请 housing.nwacro.com for placement into LLC housing. Some groups also require coordination through a program coordinator, their contact information is included below.

There are a few LLCs that exist each year regularly:


Honors LLC

This is housing designated for students who are part of the Honors program and is housed in Clayton Hall on designated floors. Interested students should email honorsapps@nwacro.com.


Ashbrook LLC

Students in the Ashbrook program are encouraged to live in Andrews Hall with other Ashbrook Scholars. Interested students should contact the Ashbrook Program at info@ashbrook.org.



The USA House is a designated house for students with military affiliation. 对这种住房选择感兴趣的学生可以联系退伍军人服务办公室 veterans@nwacro.com.

Contact Information

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Housing Rates

下表显示指定学年的人均住宿费. These rates do not include the cost of a meal plan, 对于所有不住在大学公寓的住宿学生来说,哪些是强制性的. For information about meal plan options and costs, visit the Student Dining page.

如果您有任何住房问题,请与宿舍生活办公室联系 reslife@nwacro.com.

On-Campus Houses

In addition to our apartments and residence halls, there are also rooms in fraternity houses and USA House.


Fraternity Houses

Kappa Sigma Fraternity House

Kappa Sigma

646 Olympic Circle

Phi Delta Theta Fraternity House

Phi Delta Theta

660 Olympic Circle

Phi Kappa Psi Fraternity House

Phi Kappa Psi

642 Olympic Circle

USA House

美国住宅位于奥林匹克圆环658号,可供那些有军事背景的人使用. If you are interested in living in the USA House, please contact the Office of Veteran Services prior to housing selection by emailing Chelsea Weiler at cweiler@nwacro.com or Mason Feeman at mfeeman@nwacro.com.

USA House


Ashland Campus (Senior) Apartments

我们在位于撒玛利亚大道的阿什兰校区提供四人公寓. If you live in an apartment, you may still select any meal plan, 但是如果你是高级学生(90学分以上),你可以选择不参加膳食计划.

Apartment Selection

学生们在计划居住的学年之前的春季通过公寓抽签选择公寓. 公寓抽签的选择顺序由基于GPA的积分制决定, credit hours and student conduct history. 分数最高的公寓申请可以提前抽签, followed by those with lower scores in descending order. 有关此过程的完整解释,请参阅公寓协议,您可以在此找到 housing.nwacro.com under “resources.”

Senior Apartment building

Photos of Ashland Campus Apartments

Senior Apartments
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What Residents Say About Living in Ashland Campus Apartments

"The senior apartments are beautiful and well-kept. 我和室友喜欢在我们宽敞的客厅里闲逛,在我们漂亮的厨房里一起做饭. The apartments are my favorite place I've lived on campus!"

— Haley

“我们喜欢有一个舒适的空间,我们可以自己创造,舒适地生活在里面. 住在公寓里是一个很好的出口,让我们可以邀请朋友来家里,聚在一起."

— Tonya

“我喜欢住在老年公寓,因为公寓给了我更多的空间, the freedom to cook all of my own meals, more space to entertain, private bathrooms and more privacy. 住在这里让我有了更好的独立感,也让我有了毕业后独自搬出去的信心."

— Molly

College of Nursing and Health Sciences (CONHS) Apartments

If you are a nursing or health science student, 你可以住在主校区,也可以住在曼斯菲尔德护理与健康科学学院. 许多学生选择在主校区度过前两年,然后, during their last two years when classes take place on the Mansfield campus, move into CONHS apartments. CONHS公寓大楼位于学术大楼的正后方.

CONHS apartments 1081

Located at 1081 Marion Avenue on our Mansfield campus, 每间公寓都配有家具,有5间小卧室和2间共用浴室, with an open floor plan for the living room and full kitchen (fridge, stove/oven, and microwave included). Each apartment also has a patio/balcony. Anyone is eligible to live in 1081. 居民必须完成ESA批准程序才能在宿舍里养动物.

Interior Photos of CONHS Apartments

CONHS Apartments
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